Monday, May 31, 2010

My Summer Goal List

1) Update this blog more frequently. I cannot be more ashamed of how many times I have promised more material to all you lovely followers, and not succeeded in following through. Now it is summer, the summer before college, and I plan on updating this blog a few times a week, maybe I can even write on here every other day. I cannot promise that it will all be fashion related, but I will do my best, I promise. 

2) Read, a lot. I feel like doing this will not be a challenge in the slightest bit. I have for some time been compiling a list of books I want to read, and my vanity area is full of books I've found at book stores on sale that sparked an interest. I have a thing for bookstores, I love them, but I never ever buy books at full price anymore. I always scavenge for clearance reads and buy cheap books off of Amazon and in used book stores, and I love it. I also make use of my library, but I prefer owning books, preferably used. (Would brief book reviews be of interest to any of you? Let me know.)

3) Find groovy and cheap deals. As weird as this sounds, I was incredibly tempted to use a bunch of vintage slang in this post, but I resisted haha. With college coming up next semester, my "goal" for this summer is to save money, which means my coffee runs need to stop. The plan you ask? Figure out how to make great coffee drinks at home whilst visiting mostly thrift shops and occasionally normal stores in search of sales. I actually went to Salvation Army recently to discover a gorgeous earthy toned man sweater for $2 and a set of three floral make up bags for $1.50. Yay! (And yes, I do indeed wear men's clothes, I love them, but they need to be worn a certain way to look ok...would that be of interest to anyone?)

4) Get ready for college. There is so much I need to accomplish before moving for school. My main focus? Buying stuff for my dorm! I've already figured out how I want to decorate it: a mesh of Urban Outfitters and Anthropologie styles, made into a bedroom. If I actually buy anything from either store, it'll be clearance items, but the general idea is to have my room be kind of "hippie" feeling and earthy, with plenty of posters of bands and a collage I'm working on right now. (And no worries, I will continue writing here, even in college.)
Here is a link to the Urban Outfitters web page for all their duvets and quilts; I love almost every single one.

I'm sure I have plenty other things I want to accomplish this summer, but for now, this is my list. I'll probably think of something else I want to get done tomorrow and fret over the fact that I forgot to include it, but that's ok, maybe I can add more in new posts? We'll see (:

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