Thursday, March 10, 2011

All I want tonight is an adventure.

I honestly wish I could spend my nights lying outside, on the top of a mountain, or in the middle of a field, and just stare up into the sky and think about everything. Since being at school, I haven't been able to take part in any nature exploration, but one time, I had the pleasure of having my breath taken away.

One evening, after a splendid film and a slight treck downtown, a fellow and I went to a cliff...we made our way to the top, stepping gracefully upon rock after rock. We were up high enough where we were simply looking over a floating fog above the trees, and from the spot that I was standing at, the lights from nearby towns glistened perfectly in the distance. That evening was my favorite night in a long time, and all I wish is that I didn't have to leave that spot. For some reason, that moment made me feel like anything was possible, and all I wanted was to sleep there for that cold night, just so I could stare out at my surroundings and never forget every detail.

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